How to Design a Soul-Nourishing Workspace at Home
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How to Design a Soul-Nourishing Workspace at Home

Updated: Oct 5, 2020

With so many of us working from home, practicing isolation and social-distancing, which is critical to stemming the spread of COVID-19, our need for soul-nourishing at-home workspaces has never been greater. Our physical environments have a huge subconscious impact on how efficiently, and happily, we work – which, in turn, can dramatically affect the quality of our output.

I’ve received a lot of questions from clients, friends, and family about how we can simply, and effectively, create at-home spaces that support productivity and nurture the soul. Here’s how it’s done:

  • Take Command: When choosing a spot to set up your workstation, pick somewhere that empowers you from a Feng Shui perspective. When you sit facing a main entrance, you have the power to “see” all the opportunities coming your way and “invite them in”. This auspicious “command position” relieves you from the discomfort of looking over your shoulder to see who is coming or going, too.

  • Encourage Creativity: Capture creative ideas and moments of fleeting inspiration using chalkboards, whiteboards, brainstorming pads, and post-it notes (all readily available online through Amazon, Staples and the like). Enhance creativity with light greens/blues and revitalizing essential oils like citrus, peppermint, and eucalyptus.

  • Go Virtual: The COVID climate is pushing all industries forcefully into the digital space. Adapt or get left behind! Does your home have the connectivity you require to keep up? Consider calling your internet service provider to increase your internet speed. Set up a free company account on Zoom to enable seamless video conferences with colleagues, clients and friends. Maintain that vital human connection!

  • Go Green: Welcome Mother Nature into your new workspace with open, loving arms. Remember we are all, first and foremost, biological creatures that require a deep connection to our natural world. Orchids and succulents can be picked up at your local grocery store, last for months, and create a sense of companionship without the need for a green thumb. Making your workspace environmentally-friendly will strengthen your ties to nature, too. Recycle diligently and avoid excessive printing by going digital whenever possible.

  • Stick to a Schedule: It’s hard to separate work and leisure when working from home. But it can be done. Design your day in a way that clearly defines work/rest hours. Reinforce your daily schedule with regular wake-up hours and clearly defined breaks. Be sure to clear away your workspace at the end of the day. Getting dressed in work clothes will help put you in a productive mindset, too.

JSDS Ideas For Establishing Your Pop-Up Office

Want to get it right? Set up a virtual consolation today. Remember, we’re still here to help. And we’re all in this together.

Stay safe,

­­Julie xx

** Please note that this post contains affiliate links and any sales made through such links will reward me a small commission – at no extra cost for you. **



Julie and her team have a passion for creating beautiful, engaging and functional spaces, focusing on both the physical as well as the emotional well being of your environment. Click on the links below for package details:

A design collaboration done between client and designer done entirely o​nline. Purchase the package below, submit photos of the space and existing furnishings you like to see incorporated in the design and a sketch of the space with measurements.  

Need some assistance in selecting paint finishes for your home? A design collaboration done between client and designer done entirely o​nline. Purchase the package below, submit photos of the space and and fabrics.

Whether it is directing the flow of chi through the arrangement of furnishings, design or colors; Julie and her team can help you to create the spaces that support your vision of a balanced life, rich in the areas that matter to you.

There is no second chance to make a good first impression. When the time comes to sell or rent your home, ease the transition and maximize return by helping your home look its very best.

Universal Design is the concept of creating a thoughtful space for all people, regardless of their age, size or ability. Universal Design is a perfect design solution to pursue because of the comprehensive features that endure throughout a life span.

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