Staging Feng Shui: Part 1
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Staging Feng Shui: Part 1

The ancient principles and practice of Feng Shui have long preceded the current methodologies we employ when staging homes for sale. At Julie Schuster Design Studio we embrace a holistic approach to interior design and home staging. We believe creating the right energetic flow will help sell any space!

Wind and Water: “Feng Shui” translates to “Wind and Water”. When applied proficiently to a space it promotes health and well-being by redirecting how “Chi” or “Energy” flows throughout a built environment. Five Elements Theory, Bagua mapping and the Yin/Yang dichotomy provide the basic tools we need for a down-to-earth analysis of what does (and doesn’t) make a home appealing and inviting. Hence, the principles of Feng Shui contain nearly all of the necessary rules for successful home staging.

The Mouth of Chi: The is no second chance for a first impression. In Feng Shui, the entryway is considered the “Mouth of Chi”, a major external energy source. Unfortunately, we often have little control of the entry doors to an apartment building. But we CAN pay attention to our front doors and entrances. Let the good “Chi” flow by keeping your front door freshly painted, functioning smoothly and opening completely. A welcome mat, healthy plant and wind chime are all great elements to consider here.

Direct Attention: Buyers generally decide whether they want to buy a home within the first eight seconds of being in the space – so make sure they see the best room first by creating a clear path with a runner rug and eye-catching art/accessories. Art must be neutral and work within the space. As a rule of thumb, art in the bedroom should be calm and soothing (images of nature are great), while pieces can be more vibrant and cheerful in main living areas.

Ditch Clutter: The golden rule of home staging is to remove all clutter. Period. From a Feng Shui perspective, clutter prevents energy from flowing smoothly throughout the home. Keep the space neutral by removing personal items and religious/spiritual iconography, too. Buyers love clean kitchens, and after all, the kitchen is the heart of the home. Make this space most appealing by putting away small appliances and adding fresh flowers or a bowl of crisp apples.

Command Position: Furniture arrangement can make or break the flow of energy in a room. If the back of a sofa faces the room’s entrance, energy bounces right out. Facing a comfortable sofa or love seat toward the entrance of the room will improve energy and make buyers feel more welcome. If a space is not easy to navigate, removing some of the pieces is OK, as well. Remember, sometimes less is more.

For more Staging Feng Shui tips, be sure read our next blog post “Staging Feng Shui: Part 2” or better yet, set up a DIY Home Staging Consultation today!



Julie and her team have a passion for creating beautiful, engaging and functional spaces, focusing on both the physical as well as the emotional well being of your environment. Click on the links below for package details:

Whether it is directing the flow of chi through the arrangement of furnishings, design or colors; Julie and her team can help you to create the spaces that support your vision of a balanced life, rich in the areas that matter to you.

A well designed environment boosts employees' performance, promotes efficiency and creates a comforting space for incoming clients.

There is no second chance to make a good first impression. When the time comes to sell or rent your home, ease the transition and maximize return by helping your home look its very best.

Universal Design is the concept of creating a thoughtful space for all people, regardless of their age, size or ability. Universal Design is a perfect design solution to pursue because of the comprehensive features that endure throughout a life span.

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