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Make Spring Cleaning a Joy – The Marie Kondo Approach

Photo by Ashley Bean via Unsplash

Spring is, without a doubt, my favorite season. It’s around this time every year when Mother Nature proudly emerges from a chilly, seemingly eternal, hibernation and bursts into full bloom. Spring is a season for personal renewal, revival, and manifestation. But did you know the same also applies for your home and office?

I’d love to recommend reading a little book: “The Life Changing Method of Tidying Up” by Japanese professional organizer Marie Kondo. While many other organizing methods ask you to think about whether you’ve used an item recently, or whether you plan on using it again soon, Kondo uniquely reframes the process by asking one simple question:

"Does the item bring you joy?"

If you answer in the affirmative – keep it. If you answer in the negative - throw it. Or better yet – donate it! Donating is a wonderful way to “give back” to the Universe and perpetuate good karma.

Take a leaf out of Marie Kondo’s book this April, and make your annual spring clean a JOY as you revitalize your home, wardrobe, and office:

A Sparkling Home

During fall and winter, stale energy accumulates throughout our homes in the form of dust and grime. A thorough clean of your house from top to bottom (with natural cleaning agents like lemon juice and vinegar) is the way to go. Cleaning both around and under household items unclogs energetic blockages and lets the good “chi” flow. Pay close attention to the cleaning of windows and window treatments – this will help facilitate the flow of fresh energy.

Looking to boost your nutritional health? A deep clean of your refrigerator and pantry is most certainly in order. Throw away limp produce and expired condiments. The idea here is to create a fresh pathway for strong, vibrant “chi” to flow and nourish your own energy.

Looking to revitalize your love life and get some restful sleep? Flipping your mattress and investing in new linen and pillows will make a world of difference.

An Organized Wardrobe

Stagnant energy can manifest in our wardrobes too – this time in the form of clutter and over-worn clothing. By discarding or donating old clothes, you create space for new energy to flow. Rotate in your favorite spring/summer items but be sure to dry clean your winter jackets before putting them up into storage. Looking to get fit for summer? Pull your workout gear to the front of the closet and invest in some new runners.

Want to welcome new love into your life? Make space in your closets – literally make space! This creates an open flow of energy to help manifest what (or who) you’re looking for…

A Brilliant Business

Businesses benefit from spring cleaning too! That means it’s time to de-clutter and re-organize your office. Start by discarding unnecessary paperwork, filing your taxes, and throwing out any dried up old pens and stationary.

Want your business to grow and prosper in 2018? Decorate with plants! Bring three new pots of vibrant greens to refresh your office and symbolize growth and new beginnings. This is a great time of year to introduce wood energies and will give you something to nurture and watch blossom in parallel with your thriving business.

Don’t beat yourself up to be perfect. Every step we take in decluttering is an opportunity for new, fresh energy to enter our lives.

Clarify, purify, and rejuvenate this spring – and don’t forget to prioritize items that BRING YOU JOY!



Julie and her team have a passion for creating beautiful, engaging and functional spaces, focusing on both the physical as well as the emotional well being of your environment. Click on the links below for package details:

Feng Shui Residential Package

Whether it is directing the flow of chi through the arrangement of furnishings, design or colors; Julie and her team can help you to create the spaces that support your vision of a balanced life, rich in the areas that matter to you.

A well designed environment boosts employee's performance, promotes efficiency & creates a comforting space for incoming clients.

There is no second chance to make a first impression. When the time comes to sell your home, look to ease the transition by helping your home to make that fabulous first impression.

Universal Design is the concept of creating a thoughtful space for all people, regardless of their age, size or ability. Universal Design is a perfect design solution to pursue because of the comprehensive features that endure throughout a life span.

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