When I work with a new Feng Shui client, there are usually two subjects that are at the top of everyone’s list when it comes to life adjustments that they’d like help with:
1. Wealth – attracting more of it into their lives; and
2. Romance – either attracting new love OR improving the quality of a pre-existing relationship.
Last Wednesday, just for fun and in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I had the pleasure of speaking at an event hosted by Lefroy Brooks about attracting and enhancing healthy romantic relationships! Even on a cold, wintery night, the crowd bustled energetically in the warm and inviting atmosphere. The conversation flowed and the champagne sparkled…
In my presentation, I addressed how the Bagua (energy map) of our homes can help support us in our quest for love – something that is desired by almost all of us. Some key takeaways from my presentation included to:
– Think of your home as analogous to the body – that is, a living, breathing entity. The maintenance of the front door (or “Mouth of Chi”) is of utmost importance. It must be free of clutter, and we working properly without restraint or impediment. Remember: first impressions count!
– Incorporate nature throughout your home, but ONLY if the plants are healthy. Dead plants are “sha” chi, or negative energy. Replace dying plants as needed to keep the good energy or “sheng” chi flowing.
– Display items that symbolize your gratitude. By displaying gratitude, you open up your heart charkra to love and abundance. It’s a simple law of nature – the more abundance you recognize, the more you will attract.
– Allow your inner glow to shine by displaying symbols of talents or attributes you’re proud to show off to the world. Doing this allows you to attract someone who will appreciate your unique set of achievements and attributes.
– Place a rug in the center of your home. This will give your relationships a sense of stability and inner strength.
– Decorate in twos – for example, an artwork representing twos, two candlesticks, two night tables (you get the idea).
– Allow space for your present or future partner. By emptying out a drawer from your night table or dresser, you allow “space” for this relationship in your life.
Remember, Feng Shui is not about surrendering, but rather reclaiming your power! It’s about investing time and intent into harnessing the universal energy that is out there and directing that energy as you reach for your dreams and goals.
A BIG thank you to the team at Lefroy Brooks, Warren Pearl and everyone in-house for being such amazing and accommodating hosts, and to everyone that joined us this week.
Wishing you a Happy Valentine’s Day and here’s to inviting that good chi into all of our lives!