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Achieving Balance Through Interior Design

Well-designed spaces have the ability to inspire happiness. In Feng Shui this all boils down to how well harmony/balance is achieved within the home. Indeed, life is all about balance! There are a number of key Feng Shui design strategies for achieving this balance within your home or office:


A simplified interpretation of Yin/Yang theory is that the world exists as a balance of opposite but complimentary forces. In the Yin/Yang symbol the black areas symbolize Yin, while the white areas symbolize Yang. The key is to strike the right balance of both Yin and Yang qualities in every room, and within the context of the entire home:

Yin Energy: Yin energy represents quiet, non-active areas of the home (such as the bedroom). Yin is a feminine concept which is dark, passive, and yielding. Yin design characteristics include: circular shapes, rounded edges, pastels and muted dark colors, low level furniture, upholstered furniture, velvet, and corduroy fabrics/textures, carpeting and area rugs, smaller, detailed prints, and soft window coverings.

Yang Energy: Yang energy represents places for gathering and active areas of the home (such as the living room, kitchen, and dining room). Yang is a masculine concept which is bright, hard, active, and extroverted. Yang design characteristics include: bright lighting, whites and bright colors, angular furniture and accessories, squared corners, bold feature walls, large patterns, and striking objects.


Based on observations of the natural world, ancient Chinese culture recognized continuous patterns of transformation and change in the world. Initially these observations were interpreted using Yin/Yang theory, but later expanded to the Five Elements Theory we use today. This theory divides objects into one of five basic elements: Wood, Fire, Water, Metal, and Earth. These elements are used to describe and categorize the colors, shapes, and textures we use as interior designers. How are you bringing the 5 Feng Shui elements into your house? Are they balanced?


As humans we’re instinctively drawn to balanced designs because it keeps the amount of information our brain needs to process to a minimum. By detecting a pattern, or series of repeating design elements, we are able to process individual components faster. Since we’re able to easily understand symmetrical spaces, we often think of them as more aesthetically pleasing. To enhance a sense of symmetry, work at least one pattern into every room. This can be as simple as matching bedside tables or reading lamps, evenly spaced bar stools at your kitchen counter, his-and-her vanities, or twin bookshelves in your study.

Remember, balance is not something you find. It’s something you create!



Julie and her team have a passion for creating beautiful, engaging and functional spaces, focusing on both the physical as well as the emotional well being of your environment. Click on the links below for package details:

Whether it is directing the flow of chi through the arrangement of furnishings, design or colors; Julie and her team can help you to create the spaces that support your vision of a balanced life, rich in the areas that matter to you.

A well designed environment boosts employee's performance, promotes efficiency & creates a comforting space for incoming clients.

There is no second chance to make a first impression. When the time comes to sell your home, look to ease the transition by helping your home to make that fabulous first impression.

Universal Design is the concept of creating a thoughtful space for all people, regardless of their age, size or ability. Universal Design is a perfect design solution to pursue because of the comprehensive features that endure throughout a life span.

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